octobre 7, 2024

The Bible in I Kings 18:20–39 gives us a brief account of an encounter between Elijah and the prophets of Baal. In summary, it was a dramatic showdown on Mount Carmel, where Elijah challenged Baal and his 450 prophets. Whilst the people stood undecisive, Elijah was alone on God’s side. From the look of things, the people had forsaken the living God and followed Baal. Knowing exactly what was going through their minds, Elijah asked for a contest between the two gods. The account concluded with Elijah triumphing. He won because he had the living and true God on his side, as little is always much, when God is in it.

I want to liken this account to the present situation in the Middle East. Israel, under the leadership of Benyamin Netanyahu is likened to the prophet, Elijah. The nations of Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen and their surrogate Islamist extremists like Houthis, Hamas and Hezbollah, are the prophets of Baal. The latter sought for the extermination of the former.

Besides the 450 prophets of Baal, there were people who were to stand with Elijah, but the influence and lure of the popular culture gripped them, hence could not decide to take position when they actually know who was right. Writer and teacher, Mendel Dubov noted: “While most of the people were of the wavering sort that Elijah described, it is hard to know what the thoughts of these Baal prophets were. Were they simply lifelong con artists? Brainwashed? Self-deceptive? A mixture of the above? This may relate to the question of whether these men were actually Jewish or imported “mavens” from the neighboring nations.”

We have several nations supporting Hamas to wanting to annihilate Israel. Whilst the UN displays an overtly supportive role, other notable players are Iran, Lebanon, Russia, Syria, Turkey and Yemen. I think China is contemplating joining the fray. They all want to spew an exterminating venom on Israel. But the Scriptures come alive here. We read in 2nd Corinthians 4:8-9: We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.

When the enemy thought October 7 was over for Israel, the God of Israel, as in the case of Elijah, stepped up and revealed Himself as the Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and end of Israel. The God who fights our unforeseen battles surfaced, and the enemy’s camp retreated.

Army sniper of special forces in action posing with large caliber rifle. Heavy explosions, fire and smoke billowing on background. Low angle view

As we look back at last year’s events, we join the people and state of Israel to say NEVER AGAIN. Never again should terrorists just wake up and think of disrupting the peace of the world. This is why we stand with Israel to ensure that this war is brought to a conclusive end and serve as a deterrent to future similar occurrences. NEVER AGAIN FOR PEACE TO REIGN.
